Area of interaction focus
Which area of interaction will be our focus? Why have we chosen this?
Significant concept(s)
What are the big ideas? What do we want you to retain for years into the future?
Human Ingenuity
Consequences of human thought and action.
To develop an understanding and appreciation others have made on our nation.
MYP unit question
How did culture, events and leadership shape and reflect post-WWII America?
Project Goal: Students will have an opportunity to explore a decade in post World War II America through various themes. Students will be working in groups to demonstrate how events and leaders shaped and reflected the culture of a post-WWII decade.
Decades Project Wiki Rubric Final.pdf
Group Assessment.pdf
Step 1: Get together with your group and plan/assign research topics.
Step 2: Research the history of the decade.
- Key Events & Movements
- Presidents & other significant leaders/people
Step 3: Determine the context for and cultural response to the historical events. Consider the influence on the following:
- Business & the Economy
- Education
- Fashion
- Film & Theater
- Food & Drink
- Print Culture
- Sports & Games
- Music
- Day-to-day life ("The Way We Lived")
- Government & Politics
- Leadership
- Law & Justice
- Religion
- Answer the MYP Unit Question after doing all this research. This is the most important part of the project!
Use these books to find information (they have been pre-selected by Mrs. Janek):
Or just go to the main Gale Virtual Reference Library
Resources to use for researching the presidents and other leaders:
Step 4: Create your wiki using the template for this project.
Make sure you find videos from your decade, incorporate the music, use images in slideshows (using or Blabberize). Give others in your class and your teacher a feel for your decade through visuals.
You will be required to create a MLA Works Cited.
You will be assessed individually and as a group.
You must sign in as yourself because part of your grade will be based on how much time and effort you put into your wiki page.
Step 5: Prepare for your presentation.
Prepare an engaging, creative and interactive presentation of the decade for the class. Your presentation should include the use of props (sound, visual, vintage clothing, and other primary sources). Your presentation should be rehearsed and your wiki should be tested in advance.
Resources to use on your wiki page (plugins)
Slide (to make slideshows with photos)
animoto (slideshows)
Voki (to create an avatar)
Blabberize (to make pictures talk)
Readthewords (more avatars to read sections of your wiki)
Odeo (audio widget - for playing music, etc.)
Directions on how to embed a Voki.
Handout about how to edit your wiki page.
Embedding images into your page.
Inserting Plugins (or all the fun stuff that moves)
Click on you teacher to get to your class pages.
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